526 research outputs found

    A study into the effect of concentration process on the yield of rotenone from the extract of local plant species (Derris elliptica)

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    Bio-pesticides are becoming increasingly important as pest management tools in various cropping systems in the tropics essentially to remedy problems associated with the indiscriminate use of ‘hard’ inorganic pesticide and interest in organic agriculture. In the few decades, many bio-pesticidal products, both microbial-based (bacteria, fungi, microsprodia, entomopathogenic nematodes, viruses) and plant-based botanicals (rotenone and azadiracthin) had been studied for use against insect pests in the tropics. In this paper, the effect of the concentration process towards the yield of rotenone; mg and its concentration; mg/ml are studied extensively. The raw plants were collected from Kota Johor Lama, Johor and sorted to collect the root and stem. Only the root and stem were utilized as a raw material of the extraction process. The root and stem were extracted using the Normal Soaking Extraction (NSE) at 28 0C to 30 0C with 95 % (v/v) of acetone as a solvent and the solvent-to-solid ratio of 10 ml/g). The extraction was carried out for 24 hours. The liquid crude extract was concentrated further (the solvent removed under reduced pressure) using the rotary evaporator at 50 0C and 80 mbar of vacuum pressures. The fractions of the liquid crude extract were collected for each interval time (15 mins/1.0 ml/fraction). Each fractions were diluted 1/100 with acetone and further cleaned up prior to determination of rotenone content; mg and concentration; mg/ml by using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Significant effect of the concentration process against the yield of rotenone; mg was recorded and shows a significant thermal degradation or dissipation of rotenone content at higher operating temperature. The possibilities for better exploitation and identification of the effective operating parameters will be discussed

    Standardization of the bio-active compounds (rotenoids) from the extract of local plant species (derris elliptica) using the internal standard method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

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    It is well known now that some plant species represent an efficient factory of chemicals, which are manufactured and used as bio-weapons against pest attacks. Extensive work has been done during the last few decades on these potentially useful compounds. During the last few decades a growing interest has been paid for safe agricultural production i.e free residual toxicity hazards to human beings and to the environment. Plant extracts-based biocides possess a great advantage compared with the chemical ones. Their efficacies are also acceptable. Research carried out was to standardize and determine the bio-active compounds from the extract of local plant species (Derris elliptica) using the internal standard method of the isocratic High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis system. The raw plants were collected from Kota Johor Lama, Johor and sorted to collect the root and stem. Only the root and stem were utilized as a raw material of the extraction process. The root and stem were extracted by using the Normal Soaking Extraction (NSE) method at 28 0C to 30 0C with 95.0 % (v/v) of acetone as a solvent and the solvent-to-solid ratio of the extraction is (10.0 ml/g). The extraction was carried out for 24 hours and further cleaned up to remove fine debris of root and stem prior to determination of the rotenone and its derivatives content. The rotenone cube resin of SAPHYR S.A.R.L (France) was used to verify the appearances of the compounds in the extract. The employed method of analysis shows significant appearances of the bio-active compounds in the extract compared with the commercial grade of rotenone cube resin

    Kebijakan Redaksional Harian Berita Kota Makassar dalam Penyiaran Berita Kriminal di Kota Makassar

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    This study aims to analyze the media agenda Daily News Makassar in broadcasting crime news, identifies the public agenda and editorial policy of Makassar in the Daily News crime news broadcasting and measure the degree of correspondence between the media agenda and the public agenda Daily News Editorial Policy Makassar in broadcasting crime news in Makassar. The research was conducted at the Daily News Newspapers in Makassar for more than three months using a qualitative descriptive method of research procedures which produce descriptive data from the analytical results of the interview method. Data collection techniques are moderate participant observation, focus group discussion (FGD), interviews, and documentation kuisiner. The results showed that the effectiveness of the media agenda, the public agenda and kesesusian between the media agenda and the public agenda of the Daily News editorial policy of Makassar in broadcasting crime news is not optimal. As the chief editor of the editorial control turns its authority in determining the media agenda and the public agenda is also very limited. New Editor in Chief will take the policy if there is a very large event and important as the incidence of and time to closest or the most wide-ranging and even then still have to coordinate with Korlip and editors. Editors are decision makers when the news has been entered into the table editor. Editor has full veto power in issuing a news or canceled

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Pemuda Dan Olahraga Kabupaten Mamuju Utara

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    This study aims to determine the effect of variable competencies (knowledge, skills, self-concept, personal characteristics and motives) on the performance of employees at the Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Mamuju Utara and influence competency partially on employee performance: the effect of knowledge, skills, self-concept, personal characteristics and motives of the performance of employees at the Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of North Mamuju regency. The population in this research that all employees are scattered on each unit of work / field / secretariat within the Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of North Mamuju regency. The method used is a survey that is explonary causal relationship in the form of a survey which aims to find out the pattern of a causal relationship between the variables of competence with the performance by using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variables competencies (knowledge, skills, self-concept, personal characteristics and motives) simultaneously significant effect on employee performance. Partially, the variable most dominant influence of competence, namely the skills and self-concept is the smallest influence on the performance of employees at the Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of North Mamuju regency

    Kajian Evaluasi Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Pesisir Teluk Palu

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    Palu Bay as an important role in the growth area of the city and affect the chain of elements of economic growth so as to have a very strong appeal and the number of dense population and very diverse. Palu Bay Area region is a strategic region in the context of the development of Central Sulawesi province, especially the town of Palu, the economic sectors that supported the trade, hotel and restaurant sector that contributed the most to the economy of the city. This study aims to conduct a study on the economic evaluation of the use of public open space Palu Bay to find out; economic income of small businesses in the utilization of Palu bay open spaces, factors that affect the utilization of public spaces and improving the local economy; and to investigate the potential and contribution to the economic communities on the use of Palu bay public space. This research is descriptive qualitative rationalistic paradigm. Qualitative approaches in research that by outlining the potential for community efforts on public space bridge coast of Besusu Barat, population / labor and quantify the contribution of space utilization for increasing people\u27s income which is the object of research. The results showed that (1) children\u27s games rental business as the largest contributor to economic income communities that reaches Rp1.117.580.000 / month, (2) Of the trades, types of eateries a contributor to economic potential reach Rp30.500.000 per month, then the souvenir sales and other businesses with revenues of Rp27.450.000 per month, as well as business mix and beverage kiosk with monthly income of Rp14.450.000. (3) For services business / profession is a kind of business people who are not significantly contributed to the regional economy accounted for only the opinion of Rp11.500.000 per month, comprising of photographers at Rp4.500.000, businesses sbesar Rp2.000.000 security, and business services parking Rp5,000,000 per month

    Malaysia attempts in reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emission and sequestration in bio-concrete system; a future direction

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    In Malaysia, upbringing the production of mussel is one of the most second important aquaculture The greenhouse gasses increase in this century especially carbon dioxide (CO2) compare to the previous centuries due to the increase of anthropogenic activities in all countries around the world [1][2][3]. The high concentration CO2 in the atmospheric cause a catastrophic environmental issues such as; global warming, change in rainfall, rise of sea level and climatic changes.

    Pengaruh Celah Katup terhadap Daya dan Efisiensi pada Motor Matic

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    Pada saat ini motor bakar mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia sehari-harinya, terutama dalam bidang transportasi. Perkembangan sepeda motor sekarang sudah mengarah kepada sistem matic yang mempunyai berbagai keunggulan dan kerugian. Pada motor matic dilengkapi dengan katup isap dan katup buang, dimana kedua katup digerakkan oleh sebuah poros yang dinamakan poros bubungan atau camshaft. Volume masuknya bahan bakar dipengaruhi oleh durasi sudut buka katup dan celah katup atau valve clearance. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan studi lebih lanjut tentang pengaruh celah katup terhadap daya dan efisiensi mesin motor matic. Pengujian dilakukan secara eksperimen, dengan membandingkan variasi Celah Katup 0.05 mm, 0.1 mm dan 0.15 mm dengan rpm yang berbeda dari 3000rpm - 7000rpm pada masing-masing perlakuan dan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan variabel kinerja mesin matic yaitu daya efektif, daya bahan bakar dan efisiensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya efektif roda yang tertinggi dihasilkan engine dengan jarak celah katup 0,05 mm menghasilkan 3.97 Hp di putaran 7000 rpm. Daya bahan bakar tertinggi terjadi pada putaran 7000 rpm dengan jarak celah katup 0,05 mm, dengan nilai sebesar 7.98 Hp. Effisiensi terbesar pada celah katup 0,15 mm yaitu 53.02 % di putaran 7000 rpm

    Foreign Institutional Ownership Andstock Return Volatility in Indonesia

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    This paper examines the impact of foreign institutional ownership on contemporaneous stock return volatility in Indonesia. In this study, return volatility is measured as standard deviation of daily stockreturns. The dynamic panel data results based on System GMM (S-GMM) estimation, confirm that foreign institutional ownership tend to linearly and convexly increase monthly stock return volatility.The linear impact seems to be weaker for stocks with higher market capitalization, but stronger for stocks with higher turnover.Furthertest reveals that foreign financial institutional ownershiplinearly contributes to return volatility upsurge, while foreign non-financial corporation ownership convexly contribute to return volatility increase.The additional test also uncovers that domestic financial and non-financial institutionalownerships do not impact return volatility

    Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah dalam Mendukung Pelaksanaan Good Governance di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pelaksanaan otonomi daerah dalam kaitannya dengan implementasi good governance di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan pemerintahan daerah yang melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat luas memungkinkan terciptanya pemerintahan daerah yang demokratis dalam rangka menuju pada pemerintahan yang baik (good governance). Dalam teori dan praktek pemerintahan modern diajarkan bahwa untuk menciptakan the good governance perlu dilakukan desentralisasi pemerintahan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan maka dapat dilihat bahwa terdapat beberapa elemen penting dari otonomi daerah yang perlu diperhatikan dalam kaitannya dengan upaya pencapaian kepemerintahan yang baik (good governance), diantaranya adalah: 1. Otonomi berhubungan erat dengan demokratisasi (khususnya grass roots democracy), 2. Dalam otonomi terkandung makna self-initiative untuk mengambil keputusan dan memperbaiki nasib sendiri, 3. Karena dalam konsep otonomi terkandung kebebasan dan kemandirian masyarakat daerah untuk mengambil keputusan dan berprakarsa, berarti pengawasan atau kontrol dari pemerintah pusat tidak boleh dilakukan secara langsung yang dapat mengurangi kebebasan masyarakat daerah, atau menjadikan beban bagi daerah, 4. Daerah otonom harus memiliki power (termasuk dalam sumber-sumber keuangan) untuk menjalankan fungsi-fungsinya, memberikan pelayanan publik serta sebagai institusi yang mempunyai pengaruh agar ditaati warganya, 5. Dalam pelaksanaannya, otonomi daerah tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor intern, akan tetapi juga faktor ekstern